Google y páginas sin resultados

Matt Cutts nos anima a notificar a Google la indexación de páginas sin resultados de forma específica a través del Spam Report de Google:

1. Go to our authenticated spam report form. You’ll need a Google account to sign into our webmaster console. This form is available in dozens of languages, not just English.

2. In the “Additional details” section, make sure you include the word “noresults” (all one word, all lowercase). Feel free to fill in the other fields with info if you want.

3. Provide an actual “no results found” or “empty review” example url. For example, in the “Additional details” section, the text can be as short as this:

When I searched for [blue widget reviews] on Google, the url looks like it has reviews, but when you click through you see the message “No Comments | 0 Positive Reviews | 0 Negative Reviews. Overall Rating: No Ratings. Leave Your Ratings or Reviews here!” The page doesn’t actually have any information or reviews of the blue widget product.

¿Cuantos de los casi 3 millones de resultados con la KW no results found for deberían ser reportados?

De momento Google nos pide feedback, veremos que passa próximamente.