De las múltiples definiciones y posts hablando de qué es un community manager, de cuales son sus funciones y como debería invertir su tiempo, me quedo con la entrada del mes de noviembre de 2006 de Jeremiah Owyang: What a Community Manager does en el que se avanzaban cinco puntos claves:
- Listen: Use listening tools like Technorati, Talkdigger, read blogs, forums, wikis, to find out what customers are saying
- Respond: Depending on what’s being said, respond quickly when appropriate
- Inform: Tell the right stakeholders in the company what’s happening, this can range from Engineering, Product Management, Product Marketing, PR, Marketing, Bloggers, or forums moderators.
- Shut up and sit back: One of the most important jobs of the community manager is to connect the right internal people with customers and let them work it out, stay out of the way if you don’t understand the problems.
- Listen more: Keep on listening, responding, informing, and connecting the right folks. A community manager is an odd looking being, big ears and eyes, and a small mouth.
Añadiendo Twitter, Facebook, etc. a las herramientas del punto 1 tenemos los puntos clave para ser un buen community manager.