Ubuntu 7.04 Herd 4

Ja es pot descarregar la quarta versió prèvia d’Ubuntu 7.04, amb la que s’ha tancat la inclusió de nous aplicatius a la versió final que podrem descarregar a partir del proper 19 d’abril.

Ubuntu 7.04 incorpora dos novetats importants per a captar usuaris d’altres sistemes operatius:

  • Migration-assistant 0.3.1: un senzill wizzard que facilitarà la migració de Windows a Ubuntu
  • Easy Codec Installation: que permetrà instal·lar els codecs necessaris per veure, escoltar o obrir qualsevol tipus d’arxiu

A banda de les darreres versions de tot el programari habitual.

Ubuntu 7.04 Herd 4, que no està recomenada més que per a testejar i provar, es pot descarregar de:

[tags]Ubuntu, Linux[/tags]

Ubuntu 7.04 no forçarà els drivers propietaris

La propera versió d’Ubuntu 7.04 finalment no forçarà l’ús de drivers propietaris en la seva configuració per defecte tal i com s’havia anunciat fa algun temps, si bé si en facilitarà la instal·lació com en versions anteriors de la distribució.

En Matt Zimmerman ho ha comunicat avui via correu electrònic a la llista d’anuncis d’Ubuntu:


 Ubuntu 7.04 will preserve the status quo with respect to proprietary video
 drivers.  As in previous releases, these drivers will be provided for the
 convenience of users who choose to use them, but they will not be
 activated by default.

Full decision:

 There has been a great deal of discussion within the Ubuntu community
 regarding a technical proposal (the enabling of Composite support by
 default) which would necessitate the use of certain closed-source video
 drivers in a default installation of Ubuntu.  In response to this
 controversy, a meeting was convened among representatives of the Technical
 Board and Community Council to evaluate the issues.  The following
 conclusions were reached by this group:

  * The desktop effects technology involved in this proposal is important in
    enabling a richer, more immersive desktop experience, and as such, is
    relevant to the mission of the Ubuntu project.

  * There is a clear need for wider testing of open source software under
    development in this area, including both desktop tools and video drivers.

  * The exception granted to the Ubuntu Licence Policy at the project's
    inception, which allows the use of closed-source components where
    necessary to provide sufficient hardware support, remains valid and
    pragmatic. For example, this exception has been applied in the past with
    regard to wireless network drivers. We consider making full use of video
    hardware to be an important component of that hardware support.

  * However, some of the relevant software necessary to implement this
    proposal is not yet considered mature enough to deploy in the default
    Ubuntu configuration.


  * The proposal will be modified such that the default configuration of
    Ubuntu remains the same with regard to the selection of video drivers.

  * However, new infrastructure will be implemented which allows the user to
    trivially enable both enhanced desktop effects and the necessary driver

  * The Ubuntu project reaffirms that it will not include closed-source
    components in its default configuration except where allowed by the
    existing exception for the provision of sufficient hardware support.

  * Decisions on what hardware support is sufficient for these purposes will
    be made on a case-by-case basis by the Technical Board and the Community

  * Ubuntu will monitor and support the progress of the free Nouveau driver,
    which offers the prospect of supporting enhanced desktop effects for
    users of NVIDIA hardware without the need for closed-source drivers.

  * When the factors involved in this decision change, further consideration
    will be given to the possibility of changing the default configuration.

[tags]Ubuntu, Drivers[/tags]

Pròxims events “Ubuntu”

Ubuntu Education Summit
   - 3-4 May 2007
   - Sevilla, Spain
   - The Ubuntu Education Summit will discuss issues which impact users
or stakeholders of Ubuntu products in the Education sector. The target
audience covers educators, decision-makers, government, developers and
anyone with an interest in the deployment of Ubuntu/Edubuntu/Kubuntu in
education settings.
   - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UES-Sevilla

Ubucon - Sevilla
   - 5 May 2007
   - Sevilla, Spain
   - A one day community-led and community focused event. This is the
Ubuntu community at its best. Come listen, learn, contribute, and share
your Ubuntu experiences at this uniquely Ubuntu unconference!
   - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuconSevilla

Ubuntu Developer Summit
   - 6-11 May 2007
   - Sevilla, Spain
   - A technical, hands on gathering to define the features and
technical approach for the next version of Ubuntu (version 7.10, due in
Oct 2007). Intended audience is development contributors to Ubuntu
   * http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Sevilla

Ubuntu Live
   - 22-24 July 2007
   - Portland, Oregon, USA
   -  Ubuntu Live will gather IT professionals, government and business
leaders, educators, community leaders, and enterprise users. *Call for
participation closes 14 Feb - submit your proposal now!*
   -  http://www.ubuntulive.com


MySQL Training in Spain

Avui m’ha arribat el següent correu amb informació sobre cursos de MySQL:

TRTraMySQL Courses in Spain

I would like to let you know that we are offering discount on all registrations made by 28th Feb.

The discounts offered are as follows:

– Multiple Candidates attending class 10%
– Candidates signs up front for multiple classes 10%
– Already attended a Public Training class 10%
– Are you already certified Developer/DBA 10%

Courses available in Spain are:

Begin Date End Date Course Name Location
19-Feb-07 23-Feb-07 MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrators Madrid
5-Mar-07 9-Mar-07 MySQL 5.0 for Developers Madrid
19-Mar-07 23-Mar-07 MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrators Barcelona
26-Mar-07 30-Mar-07 MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrators Madrid
9-Apr-07 13-Apr-07 MySQL 5.0 for Developers Madrid
16-Apr-07 20-Apr-07 MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrators Barcelona
23-Apr-07 27-Apr-07 MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrators Madrid

For further information on these training courses please visit our Training Webpage.

Courses in Barcelona –

Courses in Madrid –

[tags]MySQL, Training[/tags]