Firefox 1.5 !!

Per fi, després de tres Release Candidate es pot descarregar la versió definitiva de Mozilla Firefox 1.5. De moment no podrem gaudir de la versió catalana, però esperem que ho arreglin ràpidament.

Les novetats de la nova versió bàsicament són

  • Automated update to streamline product upgrades. Notification of an update is more prominent, and updates to Firefox may now be half a megabyte or smaller. Updating extensions has also improved.
  • Faster browser navigation with improvements to back and forward button performance.
  • Drag and drop reordering for browser tabs.
  • Improvements to popup blocking.
  • Clear Private Data feature provides an easy way to quickly remove personal data through a menu item or keyboard shortcut.
  • is added to the search engine list.
  • Improvements to product usability including descriptive error pages, redesigned options menu, RSS discovery, and “Safe Mode” experience.
  • Better accessibility including support for DHTML accessibility and assistive technologies such as the Window-Eyes 5.5 beta screen reader
    for Microsoft Windows. Screen readers read aloud all available information in applications and documents or show the information on a Braille display, enabling blind and visually impaired users to use equivalent software functionality as their sighted peers.
  • Report a broken Web site wizard to report Web sites that are not working in Firefox.
  • Better support for Mac OS X (10.2 and greater) including profile migration from Safari and Mac Internet Explorer.
  • New support for Web Standards including SVG, CSS 2 and CSS 3, and JavaScript 1.6.
  • Many security enhancements.

Llegit a: a.css

PHP 5.1.1

Quatre dies després de la publicació de PHP 5.1.0 s’ha hagut de fer pública una nova versió (PHP 5.1.1) que corregeix unes quantes errades de la recent apareguda.

  • Native date class is withdrawn to prevent namespace conflict with PEAR’s date package.
  • Fixed fatal parse error when the last line of the script is a PHP comment.
  • eval() hangs when the code being evaluated ends with a comment.
  • Usage of {$var} in PHP 5.1.0 resulted in the output of {$var} instead of the $var variable’s value enclosed in {}.
  • Fixed inconsistency in the format of PHP_AUTH_DIGEST between Apache 1 and 2 sapis.
  • Improved safe_mode/open_basedir checks inside the cURL extension.

Distribució per a petites empreses

La revista ZDNet ha testejat les distribucions Linux més actuals per tal de veure quina s’adapta millor a les necessitats d’una petita empresa.

Els informes de les distro candidates són:

I la guanyadora ha estat the solid, well integrated and free Ubuntu Linux 5.10 seguida força aprop de la SUSE Linux 10.