A través de la llista de DeCSS, decobreixo una llibreria de JavaScript, anomenada IE7, que fa que el pseudonavegador de Microsoft (Internet Explorer) es comporti de forma correcte amb el CSS, evitant haver d’afegir numerosos hacks a les fulles d’estils.
Tot i que encara no l’he provat sembla que promet!
IE7 provides Microsoft Internet Explorer with support for W3C standard CSS and HTML:
- supports the following CSS selectors:
- namespace|selector
- parent > child
- adjacent + sibling
- adjacent ~ sibling
- [attr], [attr=”value”], [attr~=”value”] etc
- .multiple.classes (fixes bug)
- :hover, :active, :focus (for all elements)
- :first-child, :last-child, only-child, nth-child, nth-last-child
- :check, :disabled, :enabled
- :root, :empty, :contains(), :not()
- :before/:after/content:
- :lang()
- works with both HTML and XML documents
- supports imported style sheets
- preserves the cascade of the style sheet
- does not alter the document structure
- does not repeatedly query the DOM
tree using JavaScript
- uses pure CSS to enforce style sheet rules
- supports the W3C box model in both standards and quirks mode
- supports fixed positioning (flicker free)
- supports overflow:visible
- supports min/max-width/height
- fixes broken (X)HTML elements (abbr, object)
- standardies forms behavior
- supports PNG alpha transparency
- lightweight script (22K)
- completely modular (add/remove fixes)
- works for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows only)