Estafa als clients de CitiBank

Avui per correu electrònic m’ha arribat la típica estafa als clients d’un banc, en aquest cas de Citibank. El correu en qüestió diu:

Dear Citibank Customer,
We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your Citibank account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to believe that there was attempts to compromise it with brute forcing your PIN number.
No successful login was detected and you have full protection by now.

If you recently accessed your account while travelling, the unusual login attempts may have been initiated by you.

The login attempt was made from:
IP address:
ISP Host:

By now, we used many techniques to verify the accuracy of the information our users provide us when they register on the Site. However, because user verification on the Internet is difficult, Citibank cannot and does not confirm each user’s purported identity. Thus, we have established an offline verification system to help you evaluate with whom you are dealing with. The system is called CitiSafe and it’s the most secure Citibank wallet so far.

If you are the rightful holder of the account, click the link bellow, fill the form and then submit as we will verify your identity and register you to CitiSafe free of charge. This way you are fully protected from fraudulent activity on all the accounts that you have with us.

Click to protect yourself from fraudulent activity!

To make the most secure site, every user will be registered to CitiSafe.

NOTE! If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporally suspend your account.
* Please do not respond to this e-mail, as your reply will not be received.

Regards, Citibank Customer Support

Quan l’estafat es creu que està rebent un correu de la seva entitat bancària, clica sobre l’enllaç per a protegir-se d’un ús fraudulent i és adreçat a un lloc web que ens mostra una finestra emergent com aquesta:

Estafa a Citibank

L’incaute, creient que està omplint dades a la web segura de Citibank, enviarà el seu número de compte i les claus d’accés a un estafador.

Darrerament aquest tipus d’estafes estan molt de moda cosa que ens ha de fer actuar amb més cura que mai: Desconfieu de tot aquell correu que us sembli estrany i que us demani dades personals directa o, com és el cas, indirectament.