Xicotes imaginàries

Imaginary Girlfriend
Sé que pot sonar estrany, però hi ha una empresa que es dedica a facilitar xicotes imaginàries a tothom que contracta els seus serveis:

  • Tired of your friends and family telling you to get a girlfriend?
  • Want to make that certain someone a little jealous?
  • Need a confidence boost? Just feeling lonely sometimes?

With an Imaginary Girlfriend, you can carry on a completely fictitious, yet authentic looking relationship with the girl of your choice.


Just make up how you met and include any details about yourself that you want your new girlfriend to know. Within days you’ll receive personalized love letters by mail, e-mails, photos, special gifts… even phone messages or online chat. Every Imaginary Girlfriend is unique.

Per fer-vos una idea, una relació imaginaria amb un noia, actriu, de 21 anys de Vancouver té un cost de 45 dòlars cada dos mesos! Òbviament l’empresa també busca noies disposades a ser xicotes imaginaries i guanyar entre 30 i 100 dòlars per relació.